Like most illnesses, we're asked to buy all manner of drugs or see the doctor for treatments or do certain forms of meditation. But the cure to anxiety begins at realising that it is more an OUT OF SYNC situation than it is a disease. Speaking of - out of sync, most diseases are misalignment either on a chemical level or otherwise, but anxiety is a misalignment on a psychological level. It is you literally wishing the past was different or worrying about a future that might or might not happen. So mentally you're unstable, rather you're oscillating oddly between the past and the future, making you ABSENT in the present.
Breath, I repeat, Breath is EVERYTHING. When we are anxious, our breathing is disturbed and incoherent, so we hold tension in our bodies without even knowing. What to do is to be present enough to catch ourselves whenever we're breathing anxiously and holding tension in our bodies, STOP ourselves and literally CALM DOWN. This sounds simple, but when we begin we'll see how much tension we carry around.
This - like most things - will take a while, but I assure you that it will solve 50% of your anxiety problems and set you on the path to your full healing.
After the conscious practice of catching our anxious selves, the next thing will be actions we can take to chemically calm ourselves down. There are few things we can do to calm down.
- Sleep & Time Management
At the core of most healing is a sound sleep. But anxiety - with time - stops you from sleeping, which makes the problem even worse. Most of us on the other hand have habits that stops us from sleeping, like staying up late, using our phones, tabs and computers into the night. These things affect our abilities to easily fall asleep over time. So we should do well to go bed early. Anything from 8/9pm is fantastic, and 10pm the latest. If we do this consistently, we will see clear changes.
- Fast & Eat Clean
As the title reads, fast and eat clean. Most junk foods chemically makes us anxious. So you wanna eat more vegetables, fruits, drink water, eat good carbs and protein. While you eat, make time to keep your gut empty. Do intermittent fasting. Make your belly like a switch, eat and stay empty. Repeat and see how you begin to heal.
- Hit The Gym
The assumption that the gym is for those who want to build muscles or train for a feat is unfortunately not true. In most cases it is therapeutic to push or pull some resistance, as something exciting happens in your brain when you do. More like combustion, your brain literally fires up some feel good chemicals that combats anxiety. Also the chemicals clears foggy caches in your mood and allows new energies to come in. So get to the gym and push some resistance.
- Fast From The News & From Social Media
As we all know, that 99% of what we hear in the news are BAD NEWS. News that we can - most times - DO NOTHING ABOUT. Watching the news always and getting those bad news into your mind will make you anxious. The less your brain has to process, the more it can relax and repair. But if you keep dozing it with information, it will always be thinking and never learn to shutdown, which can be a very dangerous loop to fall into. Use Social media less, watch the news less. Read a book, watch documentaries, take online courses, watch tutorials, these have better impact on your brain than the news and social media.
I look forward to seeing you happy and well, stay temperate, stay present.